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MrittikServer-an open-source REST API

hbkabir004's github profile

Mrittik-Server is a REST API that I created using Node.js and Express.js, aimed at helping front-end developers practice building e-commerce projects or need to implement search, sort, and filter functionality without the hassle of dealing with the backend and data.


dhruvishavaghani's github profile

NewsZilla is a live news website with all categories of news.

Personal Taker

Hareesh108's github profile

This web based note taker application made using reactjs

Room Revamp

ujjawaltyagii's github profile

A Virtual Interior Designer website where users can upload a photo of their room and customize it with different furniture and decor items.

Color World

psykat1116's github profile

A website to explore different colors, their shades and theme.


sumitkr2000's github profile

User can add product description and the AI model will learn about it. Later it can be used by customers and clients to know about the product.

Dashboard Nextjs

ratishjain12's github profile

A Responsive Dashboard created using nextjs and tailwindcss

Animated Coffee Machine

5h0ov's github profile

This is an Animated Coffee Machine built using html, css and a little bit of javascript.

Certificate Generator

vaibhav-xt's github profile

This is a certificate generator application that take inputs and generate certificate also we cand do download.

Telegram Bot

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

This is a .py script to Automate the Telegram using the Bot with the {'/'} commands.